Campus Improvement Plan
Goal 1: Are One Community
We will bring our community together so that a welcoming neighborhood feel ensures all families feel connected, valued, and engaged.
Performance Objective 1: LTE will bring our community together through a variety of activities and opportunities so that student, parent and community participation in diversity awareness initiatives by 10% through classroom activities, outreach efforts and events.
Performance Objective 2: We will tell positive stories so that all families are valued, supported and engaged with opportunities to respectfully provide input and contribute.
Goal 2: Each Belong
We will include all community members and help students discover their interests so that we all feel a sense of connectedness.
Performance Objective 1: We will foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where staff and students are encouraged to think critically and listen to diverse perspectives, so that staff and students respected, understood and appreciated. Lake Travis Elementary will create a more inclusive environment where students are taught about various cultures and perspectives.
Goal 3: Provide Best In Class Education
We will demonstrate a commitment to all students so that each child is prepared for life and successful in the path they choose.
Performance Objective 1: We will increase student performance through rigorous instruction designed to meet the needs of every child so that the percent of students performing at the approaches and masters level performance levels will increase by 5 percentage points.
Goal 4: Grow & Innovate Together
We will support our instructional staff, use data-based decision-making, and partner with stakeholders to build off success and continuously improve.
Performance Objective 1: LTE will implement a continuous improvement planning model that utilizes multiple modalities of qualitative and quantitative data to respond to the needs of all learners and inform instructional practices, resulting in improved student achievement so that Teacher PLCs will meet biweekly to analyze data to identify trends, patterns and areas of improvement for all learners, with a focus on achievement gaps, learning disparities , and student needs.
Goal 5: Prioritize Wellness
We will make school a great place to be so that the social, emotional, and physical well-being of our Lake Travis ISD community is supported.
Performance Objective 1: LTE will support the social, emotional and physical well-being of our students, teachers, staff, and community so that student behavior improves, resulting in decreased ISS, OSS, and DAEP placements from the previous school year.
January 8, 2024